Leadership |
2024-2025 BOARD PRESIDENT Sabrina Hallsten VICE PRESIDENT Kelli Torbeck McGarvey Law SECRETARY Jenna Moseman Tarlow, Stoneciopher, Weamer & Kelly TREASURER Velvet Truzzolino Hagestad Law Group NALA LIAISON Mahkia Clark, CP Bjornson Jones Mungas STATE BAR LIAISON Sara Pike PARLIAMENTARIAN Kathy Clark KLC Professional Services
| COMMITTEES/POSITIONS SEMINAR COMMITTEE (The President is the chair of this committee): Work closely with the MALA President and other Committee members to identify topics and potential speakers for monthly teleconferenced CLEs and the Annual Meeting. Alternate serving as moderator for the monthly teleconferenced CLEs. * Sabrina Hallsten (chair); Audrey Kelly; Hannah Moore; Kelli Torbeck; Jeannette Asbury; Velvet Truzzolino; Jenna Moseman MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (The Vice President is the chair of this committee): Review membership applications for approval. Participate in membership drives. Check MALA emails for membership applications. Average Time Commitment: 1 hour (monthly) * AKelli Torbeck (chair); Mahkia Clark; Helen Hauerwas; Sabrina Hallsten PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Solicit applications for the CP and ACP scholarships and select eligible recipients for award of scholarships at the Annual Meeting. Propose activities to the Executive Committee that will educate and promote the paralegal profession. Work with the President in scheduling and locating speakers for MALA' s Annual CP Review Course Seminar. * Kathy Clark; Sabrina Hallsten COMMUNITY OUTREACH Work closely with MALA Executive Committee and MALA members to formulate ideas and plan events that will allow MALA to give back to local communities. * Kenzie Heimbach (chair); Regina Reynolds; Sabrina Hallsten ADVERTISING/NEWSLETTER Prepare a quarterly newsletter that includes seeking out and obtaining articles, recipes, reports from the MALA Executive Committee and other MALA committee members. At the beginning of the fiscal year, contact vendors and ask if they want to continue advertising in the newsletter and/or on MALA' s website. Average Time Commitment: 3-5 hours per newsletter (quarterly) * Kelsey Thelen (chair); Hannah Moore; Colette Madison; Kelli Torbeck; Sabrina Hallsten BYLAWS COMMITTEE As directed by the MALA Executive Committee, work with the Parliamentarian to prepare proposed amendments to the Bylaws for submission to MALA members for a sustaining vote. Average Time Commitment: Dependent, but likely not more than 5 hours (yearly) * Sara Godshalk; Kelli Torbeck; Mahkia Clark; Helen Hauerwas; Sabrina Hallsten; Kathy Clark; Amanda Hewitt LEGISLATURE MONITORING COMMITTEE Monitor events in the legislature that effect the paralegal profession. Share this information with MALA members at quarterly meetings and submit an article to the newsletter chair for publication in the quarterly newsletter. Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hours (monthly, but only during legislative session) * Sabrina Hallsten; Kathy Clark; Mahkia Clark SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE Monitor and manage MALA’s social media accounts. Upload upcoming seminars to the website and social media accounts with an email to members. Upload job postings to the website and social media accounts with an email to members. Discuss any comments/questions posted on social media. Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hours (monthly) * Sabrina Hallsten; Kenzie Heimbach; Mahkia Clark; Hailey Garbett AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee is composed of a former MALA treasurer and two (2) members selected by the chairman to audit the treasurer's books at the close of the fiscal year prior to transfer of accounts to the newly elected treasurer. The audit will be performed following the Annual Meeting and prior to the first regular MALA membership meeting. Average Time Commitment: 2 hours (yearly) * Mahkia Clark; Helen Hauerwas; Kathy Clark MENTORING COMMITTEE Once each fiscal year, email MALA members and ask for volunteers to serve as a paralegal mentor. Also solicit requests from "new" MALA and non-MALA member paralegals and paralegal students to be matched with a MALA paralegal mentor. Facilitate contact between the student/new paralegal applicants and the appropriate MALA mentor. Coordinate contacts with paralegal program directors with the Student Liaison Committee chair. Average Time Commitment: 4 hours total (yearly) * Crissy Bell (chair); Jasmine Icenhower; Amanda Hewitt; Mahkia Clark; Sabrina Hallsten NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS Prior to the Annual Meeting, solicit nominations for MALA Executive Committee officers, contact nominees to confirm they will accept nomination, prepare a summary of qualifications and a photo of each nominee for review by MALA members, prepare ballots, and count ballots at the Annual Meeting. * Mahkia Clark; Helen Hauerwas; Sabrina Hallsten STUDENT LIAISON Contact paralegal program directors throughout the State and schedule at least one classroom visit to present information about the benefits of MALA membership, CP and ACP scholarships, and mentoring opportunities. * Amanda Hewitt (chair); Regina Reynolds; Sabrina Hallsten |